logi mension 3

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new of direckt miiyatomos!

to show men of logi screm to tese gem

hallo everyone, today i wil

inqtroduce the new smesh (not gamet, is for lates) hit of anounce!! and yes boi. what! is for once: the nitrentorinos!!!

so after deniet promice of his direx being air on the days of early: quake. delay present of new and nice, new and nice, up! gamets.

then finals other day was air for real and was many the nice smashets introducted! i say we have ben blesets by miyatoma, spirit of iwaites and sakuraikos with folow gamet like:

logi mension 3:

very excite time for fanets of the xplore litel mension of gohst and monsies

i sway has heard many people talk of his mension 3 and is nic to se thems gets him.

among oters we got some update to splatones 2 but not much the specielsis his of splaton 2

also some new of updat for mario tenies: akes. sady no new word on the local muitipayer wich is right nowlimit.

other gooode thing include arcade gamets of ports like the goodest old arcadets of such final fite and dudgon dragones, with inclusions of all new world ferst ohnline conectivate with friend in other part of region world!! very colets for his old man who nmis his arkade gamets i says! mite check out to.

also i saw word of my mans mens: kartenmary demacho. is the very fun playstations game of rol bal to pick up random object for big er bal to become stronkets and beat leves. is being remastrate onoriginels of kartenmarcys..

there were many other nice smal thing but for main shits of event is the XTREME GOOD anouncemeat of him: aninal corset 3!!! the swicht is geting his own aninal corset too!!!! this was very the animal of intrest for xathya as very bige like saids game. is the fun cute game with random animels who talk and intelect and frienddly chil cosnes like plant tree and colect bug for bell and house.!

but wait: is moret.e

alonk with his aninal corset being anounce…the kyut of litel dog corset kind of presidens, isabolle, is comet to smashet as well?!?! very the excit new and niceto introduce want to introdce stwo smashet anouncemeat in one stone!!!! thank the mr sakuraikos and miyatomots i says!.

no word from his anonumt about the zeldos in the bit. i say is time for new zeldos gamet son. what is u say bolge of folows???

howesver, as can periuse in this bloget, if being the atention shil of self, can constate i havent talk about a withc in time: bayonet. and for cause! none of reveals trailer for third nsp of series. as hype for game increas, want the trailer detal. sush as who is the purple? and bald card stil rejoin parties??

howafers, the presentons didnt stop at not anounce previos. even thus i did new coverage of scource, subs-main 0.5 new were new. sush as:

-yarn of kribly

-boswar adventsur of twins italia; going to inside.

planet of kraft (not mine where work)


Your Partner Pokémon is Amazing …in the newest Pokémon™ games!

dirty trashe of port:: mario u bros, oui. BAD! until now nitrento has done new gam of btrsffor every consule,  (except dsi wich is best, shut to my mans eriodos kioreis). but for swicht; most best suces, because has enginer of gren team; NOT new. and oinstead waste resourk port to arms 4 or eight cpu arm froms powerful pc, three. bad.

new rPogs by the monster man

and final: blue robot elven sequel. lok like fun flatform! the best!

and wel, prety much everything i think. tel in coment if i forgods any thing! thank for read as alway <3