helos i sayes againe after almost entire 1 (ONE) ful year of in(de)activate…i and knonckel do be sorri for this abstinense of bolges but as profened by belows, am back:
(knuck is sad for being gone….) but here we are against!! and stronk(agan) than the ever(dryv?)!! so pleas realxe, and enjoy the new toldened by yurs trouly; the knuckle; and xathya himmelf. While this is hapens: i wish thoust allst hyabst receivurt the chsitrtyams presnents from the fate red (not claudus) and got it: the gift (of the gift, not givsing). here is what i have takned posetion of in this vacation:
the nostronaut + cxrab!!! great bisnis having the two of sale for pris of one. What quality! veryy nicernest actonne fingure for the glas exposal furntiure. unlike HIMS::::
BAD! he RUIN THE repuattone of knuckle. do NOT buy!! recieved him i dids by fanily member who no realize is evul luganden and not holy of stronk knonckel! certains not going in glas exposal furniture.! – playstate 5 – tv pluge and play game systone. unfortunat only the pro order: the country is overhweldm. of demand. i thinks this is becuse of no boat coming from japnes unlink the plane of the k-onrea (samesong). hopefuls i am the turtel (or platpouse?) wil bring its boat of arninal corsets to acquire thems!!! 😀 . whil am at it: i wish the hapy retirment to my mans (aidolu) reginold. am mising hims. here is you’re tribut!!
– also is prokure as above (so below): nitrento eshop gift cord!! can buy downloadable games, demons, applications, streaming videos, consuer rating feedback, and other information on upcoming game releases.!! 😀
now i wan to hear al of readser of bolges: WHAT did u take for gofts from litel members of family and friedchip cirkel????
merry christmas and hapiestnew the yearl <3
I hop to ses around !
i fucked ur mom inder the fukcing mistletoe
thats is rugd 🙁 leave hte modder alon..