bootrum of swicht, vitas kernal an varius newses!! (febs blog)

what is up tempsters


:DD as back with the new months of blogs as i promise in my the: new years, writre bolgs of ever month in 2018!! lifes are progres steadies and coals mine is blombing with the bisnis! make the much coals and my system are big of help to said: crew. i recent post about this isues off mankindes that kep me up at some of them night, capturing his kernal of the xbnox once! this time didnt get delerate but got locket and pazrt of topics i wana dicus toda is mods discrimination me and being the very in konsistens. first mr isaks tels me to “use: auto corect: the.” / so i proceds to use said autos corect butr then after, mod monx locks threads saying i dont speak the wells enough, and estensils tels me to “try agains”. so i gus im gons make the thirdest thred. now sins after i start use said autos cort peopl complain evn more, probab cause is corets into wrongs words!!! and this is why i have ben say: is not about the auto corets but about: structs and isue. so..wich does does? mayb i wil sit: down and studies the more england? whats your thot of thats? her i start new bolg cos old one was veri the not uniterst. ok abovs didnt reals work so lets me tries again

howdies user of gabtemp forums!!!! is tiems of years again were i do the post of blog post!!!! are excitesd?? i am!!!


again todsay we talks about importan noses such as kernal of switches and vites and ps4!!! but first the xatha watn tos advertiz temp fore new: them of darknes. very black ankd the rests for eye, xcept if got the amoleed dispays becose doesnt true black and turn of pixel to save voltages of battery. many proposes to admin such as bortzion and shaunje and costellos for grapich design!!!


there also new news abut the vita console (by sonys):thank to efort of two weks by mr floe, teh 3.76 is: bruteforce!! now can play the 3.61 gem such as: stenns gates zos, meary squelter, dang ropes v.3. soon when 3.65 ensos is develop


i ask myself the queston of value at said point. mr yifan lus only fund 1 kernals. whiles @thefl0s has one kernal AND the viteshells. there also enso for yifons but dont count becose of adrenalins which equivalence the value. so technical floes has more hax judge point and better scorz what thouhts of you?

but most inportand considers the swicht nintendo: botrams exploitsed!!!!!! \


as can se in proof demonstrate of video concepts releases here:

as can se is nice litel rocket replacing botrome of the consoles switch of nintsendos. can also wownder: since rocket fast and loads of 0 sekondses means overclok of console tegros as boot start of boot1? and cans Nintendo update said bootrum with guibr partitions of updet: 320 bits. link to sources:
link to sources.

but is not alls!! the homebrews launch by plotus has been… launched!!! (


after monthes of delays and denied promises by plutts, is the relief, even thos bugs of permanant frezees on launch of javescript node exploit has ben fixed: 24 hour (is 1 day) after release. fast suport, as expect of opened sorxes. i giv cudas to pluts for gret launch. too bades i only has the 4 swicht os with lony long time in: releases exploit


but the securties of shits doesnt over theres!!!! with unexpected of reveals meatdown last months (as specified & xplains in beter detail theres of last bolg postes, heris links: link to blog post previous posted\)
was panicis alaround world. main chinas and united state beccose deveolp and producters of computer states.
said flow (not the hacks


) has ben fix by urgency pattch within the fast times of day. for both windowss and maxos and linus, but the isos and andoods.
howevers, the waergehrsts working as nvidia inc has found new updated kernals of meltdownn, useing mulitpels of cors and cudos. now is my mean as says: the intle coffe lakes has a vers hihg level of cpus proces core, especial with super threatnig, but is vene s worses for 0ryzons and cudos of nividios (over 2000 kyudes on single grapich!!!).
so my mean is as folows: if vulnerabitlites afect the mutiple. can intle grapich be more protecs than ryzans+ vages setups? since has lees cores. and can vulnerobilitis kernalsed for switches, sinse has 4*2=8 corees?? maybe can reverse the level of asmrs by spctr webkits of 4.0 with 8 cores enabled.
a nywas here source:

nows lets take breks from scare steals of piracies credemtials and: agmes. A bit


has seen the nicests labs trailers of cardbos?

as can se my gam theroie of qr code sem to be not presenes on the labes. as such can wondre how the litel miiyatomo wil protec the botroos of cardboardes pianos. miht be the special ssl rsa certificate as mr @SciresM provendes in the forums on same forom of howevred too lazes to searsh for it


could alsos talk about new: ssd qlc. by tos shiba is liek the triple lc but quadses layers par cel of bits. as nises reduce of cost is god, but wil very the shit of bottom barel becaus short life span and poors performences compare too mlce nvme samses 966pros. kidnay fore plebs but it ok whedn does nots have: part times jobe. as teenages.

i alsos hav complaint about galgane2 being the bents from german. as firts was asutralias (my cuntries) being the stat of opresion bent duble peaces buts now is germans being ban the 2. wat is happen? how can sigificance countries as garmen be censors the inocent video games? sures is like litel henti but only litel.. if continue world wil bans galeguns off moon


is ok to tortures accept mans mens with violsnes and blods but not juts gun of pink lov heart to shots nices weifus in sperkles? what thougt of you temp?

ials like to shot outs for vinator @TheVinAnator for birthda of cake!!! ples wishes nice day to theirs


speakin of temps regists use want nna talks abouts mr: @Hells Malice . is reason men wit opion of thinought andbrain but doesn understan said postes of his profil. in said pos mr @IsaacMG99 who tolds meto uses the autoscorecc feature of brosing software: listned to advices. bu thens said loli doge uses says: ‘you spelings of shits corectes make trole shill obvilious”. cans explaisn??? very cunfuzled is xathyas


and befor clos the : create thred of blog. want toi talks about last kernalsa i thoughts abouts. when pegaswicht is the browse xploted. why nots 3ds or wu wince has eebkits of nits too? specials sinse wius has 5.5.2 xploit jave of garbege. very not staple and hardesend to haxchis routes. so if prots maybe the stabl with latst hotfix patch udate by plutts? and since allowsed to walk path top mountains to: botrom. rocket switch can lead to sames botrem on wii os?

is all.
tamp!! tank very much for reads. ver much appreciated as alwayses. pleas tel me what is thinkes in botom coment sections so can debate!!!!



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