marchlands bolges!!! is u redi for: scrism ruin the ecosystom;virtrualy realty introcument of smash hits; and the street tell me there is new swicht??? :π±:?
helos my now shil of reads!! gues who is??? is the xathya????
in this new of issue, wil be many swicht new; dr. that 2 year after * days of of releas, heap of populats!! hope, as alway, you enjoy.
reinond rival add the cheat??
yers. as advertised in big leter bold: the hacker (scrism) @SirscottyM has releas new “””featur“. and you also read the promo materiel; this overwhelm of hacket has open panda’s books. Now introduce: actonne replay give many monies and the unlimit pokermens (but mons) in the half mobility gam. as i have already explane11 in an post of forum ‘gbatemp’, ruin the ful point of pokemon. make palkia apear from herb withot take into acount the dyvacmic of the munster world..! pleas snap! XD mr scrism., and banet the cheats!!!
virtusel realtsy of bigest swichts
as may have hear, nitrento is try to join into the virtuel relty trend of thos late 2010 year, which interst of much but complex exblain cause part of 3:
1) is low recourse
swicht is arms, low cpu and tenses: lack the rext, say sensen:
sensen juan of nivea grapich
sensen, rtox 2070
as can red above, is he weak platforn. xbronx and playstate 4 haev already atempt vr atlow resource and is shits of bottom barel. very unsmooth and low resaliate for the fat eyephone explor mans…so..if ps4 not enough…why does bowser think swicht wil be more the platforn for it_?!?!!?!? wil be hte very low franne rates and resaliations. now, as many of scientism has said, for game of pixel to run close to face, need many sron update per second to make unsmooth smoth for person eye to not become the green face man and ill. swicht with ram proces and low ram will not sufice.
2) make in backward???
important tropic to discus as wel. this is retroakt pakt of Vrs. a googde vr game is made for said vr, not patchet in cause xathya is say:
can onyl become trash if not made for not become trash
3) 1 & 2
with complex tech detail above, can reason, is bade. provide the not gamer with experience of pleasant nes, but less experience.
i say, if ineterst in the vrs, is pc and the oclus vive. has te high reslution if use sensens rext tech
is new swicht hapsencigs????
the stret wasningtons recent say, nitrento is ake 2 new model of swicht. one bufgdete and one stronker. but also say: wil be plan to focus on the adon specific. not withot remind: n64 expand packet. or the many gamet of watch. Is god ideal: if we reflect. the n64 cans have more the ram thank to usb1 (onli one available in the 20st centaur) but switch has usb 3+C (mnaybe even thunderbird with flintware releas????) as the it (info telefoniks) specsulate : 10Β Gbit/s (1.25 GB/s).[54] or evens my insan pace; the triple with tunderbelt 4. mean of can add gpu tescal usself. or the new separat ai insanegod brain fo smart chips.. who know?
Kate; as wel as the other overwhelm hachets; hav REvelations to us that a: “markios” is on the way. source:
Nonon the less, we can hav reserv to as of too the marikes is the new two swicht. Reason is as folow: 1 marike. 2 swicht. mayb mean that streat is wrong. 2: that scrism misread the cryptographed file and there is two. who know??
Untils we habs more of the nice new; tho. hard to gues what could be. sinse nitendo wil nead vr on cardboard,claim of new super swisht xl ; 92weiHz beter ; for the best realty. sounds plossible!! imagine the marios in v r??
Could also be a smol revison. as avid reader of gabtomb threaad byu the newcome know and has be sean; want the swichtr withot bad docker who leave hooked plastique screen. all: for the price of swicht less hims.
Kiorai eridion, thos, has the most interest sugeston i hav sen in quite the whale. i will now insert.
“the most feature is nintendo swich not was stylos and why if not have stylous some nintendo swich games is hard to play so tell me about this why nintendo swich not have stylous”
citation ned
Lost his meaning; has the stylous, u’re gona say. i’m sure!!!! but dont be so sure. for xample, what is the posible of play the virtual consol spectre tlrak: zeldo in train? or the pokemon ranger draw circle to take?? none. stylos was to the nitrento ds what 3d was to 3ds xl; feature of best. nitendo must make extand pack to include; and use in game!!! (maybe clos to a labe cardbroad range??)
Enougg of thos talk, jowever. pleas tell me the comment in comment/think section this bottom. gratefuls i wil be!!
And this it for the entry in my marsh! Hope: like. Thank for resturning to mine place once again!!!